1. Where do the lessons take place?

The location of the lessons is decided case by case based on your schedule and level of convenience. We can travel to you or we can meet somewhere in the middle.

2. What is the minimum amount of lessons I can take?

Language learning is a never ending process. You can sign up for as little as one lesson; however, we recommend beginning with 5 to 10 lessons.

3. How long are the lessons?
  • Individual & Duo lessons are 60 minutes long.
  • Group lessons (3 or more participants) are 90 minutes long.
4. What if I go on vacation? Can I take a break?

Of course. Together with your teacher you can make a plan that suits your needs and meets your learning objectives.

5. How do I pay?

There are two possible methods of payment: bank transfer or cash.
Payment for a determined amount of lessons must be made upfront before the lessons begin. If necessary, other payment options can be negotiated. Contact us for more information.

6. Do I need to buy textbooks or materials?

You will decide together with your teacher if textbooks or materials are necessary and, if so, which ones.

7. What do the deposit fees include?

The deposit fees include the cost of copies, any materials or textbooks that your teacher must acquire in order to be optimally prepared to meet your needs.